Does a Wellington Short Sale Seller Have a Say?
While a Wellington short sale seller needs approval from their lienholder(s) in order to sell their home they still have a say in the process. Not only can a short sale seller turn down a buyer’s offer, but they can also turn down their lienholder’s short sale approval terms.
Last week I was notified by a short sale listing agent that he finally received written short sale approval from BOTH lienholders. However, after reviewing the written approvals the short sale seller did not agree to the short sale approval terms set forth.
While some buyers are under the impression that short sales are guaranteed, they are not. The short sale lienholder(s) may not approve a short sale and then there is always the possibility of the short sale being approved, but the short sale seller not agreeing to the short sale approval terms.
If you are interested in buying a short sale or selling your home as a short sale contact us today for all your Wellington short sale real estate needs.